• 27 июля 2017, четверг
  • Москва, Большая Семеновская 38


Регистрация на событие закрыта

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Другие события организатора

Научное общество «Графикон»
2636 дней назад
с 9:00 27 июля до 19:00 29 июля 2017
Большая Семеновская 38

The 6th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks, and Texts

AIST is a Data Science conference where you meet academic researchers and leading industry practitioners. 

Researchers will share their insights on our six Academic tracks and learn from the Industrial Day talks and workshops.
The adademic talks are carefully selected, and proceedings will be published in the top academic Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Industry Big Data and Analytics partners will share their application experience, teach on their vision and products, and — yes — hire brilliant people. 

Finally, AIST is all about life. We are informal and open, and we make our AIST in a way best suitable for the moment and all of us.

e-mail: org@aistconf.org | сайты: http://aistconf.ru/ facebook



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